The Kidneys are the underlying Zang organ, and the root of the Yin and Yang of the body. As such they ground the energy of the body and Kidney 1, the only point on the sole of the foot, is a reflection of that. Accordingly points on the Kidney Channel are used to ground pathologically ascending Qi and Yang. It should be remembered too, that the Kidney Channel is connected, through its internal branches, divergent channel, longitudinal luo channel and sinew-muscle channel with the Heart, Liver Lungs, diaphragm, pericardium, the nape of the neck, the occiput and spine and the root of the tongue. These internal connections strengthen the relationship of the Channel to ascending Qi and the upper portions of the body.

Points on the Kidney Channel clear pathogenically ascending Qi and Yang from Kidney yin deficiency with kidney fire upwardly blazing,  from Liver Yang uprising or from inversion patterns caused by kidney yang deficiency (K.1, 3, 4).

Points on the Kidney Channel also clears Wind and Heat affecting the upper part of the body. (K.1, 2, 3, 4, 6 ).

As the Kidneys are the root of both Yin and Yang, points on the Kidney Channel are used to tonify Yin (K.2, 3,  6, 10 )  and to tonify Yang (K. 3, 7 ).

Tonifying Yin can clear yin deficient heat with night sweats, sore and dry throat, wasting and thirsting, genital itching and restless leg syndrome. ( K. 2, 3, 6, 7 ).

Tonifying Kidney Yang can treat impotence and infertility from Kidney Yang deficiency ( K. 3, 7, 10 ).

By tonifying Yang, points on the Kidney Channel can also treat cold and deficiency causing lumbar pain and stiffness, cold and numb legs, heels and feet,  cold hernial disorders, constipation,  incontinence and difficult urination, fear and fright- all from Kidney Yang deficiency ( K. 3, 4, 6, 7 ).

The root of both Kidney Yin and Yang is the Jing-Essence. A few points on the Channel can strengthen the Essence, thereby affecting  the Qi, Reproduction, the Bones and the Marrow ( K. 3, K. 13 )

The summation of Kidney Yin and Yang can be simply called Kidney Qi, which may be deficient without predominant Heat or Cold signs, and which is often, but not always, seen in conjunction with Spleen Qi deficiency. Points on this Channel can strengthen Kidney Qi to treat low energy and fatigue, lowered immunity, lowered sex drive, back pain, discouragement, aversion to exercise, sleeping too much and laziness. ( K. 3, 6, 7 ).

The Kidney Yin and Yang is the origin of the Ren -Conception and Chong -Penetrating vessels so the Kidney Channel can regulate the reproductive system (K. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10).

The Kidney is associated with the Will, Kidney Yin cools Heart Fire and stabilizes the Shen -Spirit (K. 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 10, 16, 23, 24, 25 ).

The Kidneys are said to ‘grasp the Qi’ (Shen Zang na Qi) of the Lungs so points on the Kidney channel can treat asthma, coughing and dyspnea (K. 1, 2, 4 , 27).

The Kidneys are associated with controlling water- hence points on the Channel treat urinary dysfunction, fluid balance and edema ( K. 3, 7, 10, 12 ).

The Kidneys are said to rule the two lower yin- the anus and genitals, hence many points on the Channel can clear damp heat from the lower Jiao treating  many urinary dysfunctions, as well as dysentery, diarrhea, hernial disorders, inflammation of the genitals, impotence, infertility and uterine bleeding etc. (K. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10 ).

kidney Channel points, can affect the spine, especially the lumbar spine. The throat, the teeth and the gums as the Channel reaches to these areas.

Points on the Kidney Channel can be used to treat the ears and hearing, and the bones and the joints in general, as these tissues often reflect aspects of the Kidney Jing, Qi, Yin and Yang.

Because the Channel has direct connections to the Heart, Liver and Lungs, points on the Kidney Channel can be used to treat aspects of Yin deficiency of each of these organ systems.



Yong Quan    Gushing Spring       Bubbling Spring

Gushing Spring suggests  this point’s active energy and refers to its location as the first point of the Kidney channel. (I&F)/(GTW) 


K.1 descends Qi, Yang, Heat and Wind, clearing their pathological manifestation in the upper part of the body. (Jing Well, Wood point and Sedation point functions)

K.1 clears Liver Yang, Liver Wind and Instability of the Heart Spirit.

K.1 is also used in the treatment of Lung disorders from Kidneys not grasping the Qi. 

K.1 can treat Loss of Consciousness (Jing Well point).

K. can treat constipation and difficult urination where the Kidney Qi fails to convey downwards to the two lower Yin (The kidney Qi controls the two lower yin openings).

“Courage point”. “Corpse reviver” – emergency point for high blood pressure. (Wors.)



K. 2                            

Ran Gu          Blazing Valley           Burning Valley

Burning Valley refers to the location on the lower border of the tuberosity of the navicular bone in a depression and the fact that it is the fire point.  Burning/ Blazing refers to its function of clearing fire and heat. 



K. 2 preeminently treats yin deficiency heat– but it treats the excess symptoms of underlying yin deficiency.

K. 2 is known for treating throat problems, dry mouth, night sweats, flushed face, asthma, agitation and fear, itching genitals, nocturnal emissions, irregular menstruation, infertility etc.

“Calm point.” First aid after kick in testicles (stimulate needle for three minutes bilaterally.) Has a hormonal effect on ovaries. Diarrhea – very burning type, whole of anus inflamed. (Wors.)




Tai Xi        Supreme Stream                 Greater Stream                    Great Creek

Great Stream refers to the majestic stream of Qi that flows here.   Its location is resembles a stream or ravine.  (I&F)/(GTW)


K. 3 is the best point on the Channel to strengthen Kidney Qi. As the Source point of the Kidney Channel, this point tonifies both Yin and Yang and can treat virtually any sympointom covered by the Channel or organ pathology.

K. 3 strengthens Kidney Qi- to treat low energy and fatigue, lowered immunity, lowered sex drive, back pain, discouragement, aversion to exercise, sleeping too much and laziness.

K.3 can strengthen the Jing-Essence – and so treat fertility and  reproductive problems.

K. 3 treats any sympointom of Kidney Yin deficiency– Low grade fever, night sweats, malar flush, dry mouth and throat, thirst but no desire to drink etc.

K.3 is used in the treatment of Yin deficiency of the Heart, treating insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, poor memory, anxiety with fear, easily startled and fright etc.

K.3 is used in the treatment of Yin deficiency of the Liver, treating headache, dizziness, tinnitus and deafness.

K.3 treats Yin deficiency of the Lung, treating chronic dry cough, dyspnea and wheezing and blood in the sputum.

K.3 is used in the treatment of yin deficiency of the Large Intestine, treating difficult defecation and dry stools.

K.3 treats Kidney Yang deficiency, typically seen with lumbar pain and stiffness, coldness and numbness of the legs, knees, heels and feet,  impotence, copious urination, incontinence, constipation, cold hernia etc.

K.3 also clears Damp-Heat from the Lower Jiao, treating diarrhea, urinary dysfunction,  hernial disorders, inflammation of the genitals, impotence, infertility and uterine bleeding etc.

“Waking up point”. Affects pancreas. If the earth is too dry within the kidney, throat will be affected (tonsillitis, sore throat). (Wors.)




Da Zhong      Great Bell      Big Bell          Large Bell     Big Goblet

Large Bell refers to this point’s location superior to the calcaneous  bone.  (I&F)  Large Goblet refers to the storing function of the Kidney and Bladder since this is the Luo point. (GTW)

The Luo point of the Kidney Channel



K.4 strengthens the Kidney ‘grasping the Qi’ function to benefit Lung problems treating dyspnea, asthma etc.

K.4 also treats Kidney and Lung yin deficiency with wheezing, coughing blood, dry mouth and throat etc.

K.4 stabilizes the Shen-Spirit (Luo point function of Yin Channels, also the Luo of the Kidney Channel ascends to the Pericardium) treating fear and agitation depression and sleeping too much.

K.4 treats chronic backache (the Luo channel spreads through the lumbar vertebrae)

“Smiling sympathy point”.(de La fuye)

 Important point for sight – blurred vision, myopia, hazy vision. Very heavy depressions before period. Anxiety, desperate fear, frustration, hostility. Someone who does not want to see – this point will help relieve psychological blockage. Reduces fear in water problems. (Wors.)




Water Spring refers to this point’s location where the Yin or water accumulates in the channel and refers to it’s function on urination and it’s classification as a Xi cleft point.  (I&F)/(GTW)

The Xi Cleft point of the Kidney Channel        


BLOOD STAGNATION                                 ALSO TREATS THE EYES

K.5 regulates the Qi and Blood of the Kidney, Uterus, Conception and Penetrating vessel- hence it treats amenorrhea, irregular menses, dysmenorrhea, pain around the navel and prolapsed Uterus.

K.5 treats the above whether the etiology is Blood deficiency or Blood Stagnation. (the Xi Cleft points of the Yin Channels frequently treat disorders of Blood).

K.5 is also known for treating the eyes, treating myopia and cloudy vision from blood deficiency.

K.5 treats painful urination (XI Cleft Excess and acute function)

Use for any abnormalities of the spine, when there seems to be a lack of distribution. For fear and depressions, especially when both are present. For those who want to stay where they are – agoraphobia – rigidity. People who have created a prison around themselves. This point is a sledge hammer to knock down walls. (Wors.)



K. 6  

Zhao Hai       Shining Sea              Luminous Sea

Luminous Sea refers to the affect this point has on the abdominal sea of Qi.  Luminous also suggests the clear quality of Qi found at the confluence point with the Yin Qiao vessel. (I&F) 

K-6 is located next to K-2(fire Point).  The brightness of fire(K-2) shining on water gives K-6 it’s name.  Sea may also refer to the fact that Kidney Qi serves as the source for the Yin Qiao vessel.  (GTW)

Confluent point of the Yin  Qiao.



K.6 is the most commonly used point on the Channel to nourish Kidney Yin.

K.6 is the confluent point of the Yin Qiao, typically paired with L. 7 in extra Channel therapy. As the confluent point of the Yin Qiao K.6 has a special range of action on the uterus -virtually any menstrual or gynecological problem can benefit (The Uterus is directly linked in to the Kidneys)

K.6 can nourish Yin and also cool the Blood– so it can treat skin diseases.

K.6 can affect the Intestines, Heart, throat and eyes, which are all benefited by the cooling and moistening action of Kidney yin treating dry constipation, epilepsy, sleep disorders, dry sore throat, plum pit throat, Wind invasion of the throat (both Kidney Channel and Yin Qiao connect to the throat) and dry and red eyes (both Channels ascend to the eyes).

K.6 can be used to clear heat from the genitals.

K.6 can also be used to treat Kidney Yang deficient urinary disorders.

As the Confluent point of the Yin Qiao, K.6 can also treats pain along the inner thigh and fullness of the chest and abdomen. (Yin Qiao Channel indications).

“Joyous sleep point”.(de La Fuye)_

 Urine stings and/or is very dark yellow. Irregular menses. Releases small amounts of sex hormones when coupled with other points.

 Emergency throat problems (apply pressure quickly).

 First aid – apoplexy, bee and wasp sting on tongue and throat, snakebite, concussion, hemorrhage, insensibility. (Wors.)




Fu Liu             Returning Current               repeated Current                 Returning Column

Repeated Current refers to this point’s function of regulating the body’s outflows  (sweating, urine, menses, etc..)  (I&F)

 Part of the flow was lost at K-6 via the Yin Qiao vessel but it it returns here at Return Current. (GTW) (GTW) (GTW)

 Return Flow could suggest the resumpointion of a straight path up the leg after circling the malleolus.  (GTW)

Jing River Metal point                   Tonification point



K.7 is the main point on the Channel to tonify the Kidney Yang.  As such K.7 strengthens the Kidney function of controlling fluids and treats any edema, all difficult urination syndromes, any sweating disorder, seminal emission etc. In other words it has an astringent action upon the body fluids. (a Yang Qi function).

K.7 treats many bleeding disorders (again astringing, a Yang Qi function).

K.7 can also clear genital and Bladder Damp-Heat and Intestinal Damp-Heat

(K.7 clears the damp stagnation).

K.7 is used for treating lumbar pain

K.7 is often combined with LI.4 to promote sweating to expel external pathogenic invasion.

Modern acupuncturists, borrowing from Five Element traditions, tend to use K.7 to tonify the Kidney Yang in the general sense of strengthening body warmth, energy and sexual functioning. Classically there are few references to using this point to treat impotence and infertility. The classical sources tend to indicate this point’s Kidney Yang strengthening function more specifically for Resolving Damp and astringing body fluids.

With L.I. 4 for stomach ulcers. If patient is prone to anger. Problems arising from intestinal parasites. (Wors.)




Jiao Xin          Exchange Belief       Communicate Belief                       Faithful Junction

Faithful Junction suggests this point’s function in promoting faith and confidence,  which is vital to maintaining the will power governed by the kidneys.  Faithful Junction also reminds us of the effect this point has on menses, which is likened to “faithful” cycles of the ocean tide.  (I&F)

 Intersection Reach refers to the channel “reaching” toward the Three Yin Intersection at SP-6 (GTW)

Xi Cleft of the Yin Qiao Channel

Crossing point of the Kidney and Spleen Channels (GM)


K.8 is used for uterine problems and bleeding especially due to deficiency, (crossing point of Spleen and Kidney Channels)

K.8 can also treat Blood stagnation uterine bleeding and blood stagnation abdominal masses (the Yin Qiao is responsible for movement of Qi).

K.8 can also be used for bleeding from Damp Heat or Heat in the Blood.  (Xi Cleft points of Yin Channels frequently treat disorders of Blood).

K.8 can clear Heat from the genital region, Bladder and Intestines.

“Strengthener and calmer point”. All menstrual disorders. (Wors.)




Zhu Bin          Guest House                        Guest Building         House Guest

Guest  House refers to the kidney channel hosting the Yang Qiao vessel at this point.   If Zhu is taken to mean “attack” then the point name refers to the function of expelling pathogenic Qi that attacks the Kidney.  (GTW)

 An alternate meaning of Zhu is “sturdy” which suggests this point’s ability to support the patella.  (I&F)

Xi Cleft of the Yin Wei Channel




K.9 treats the Heart Shen, treating Phlegm obstructing the portals of the Heart with epilepsy, mania, protruding tongue and loss of consciousness.

K.9 is a strongly calming point for deep anxiety, restlessness, feelings of chest oppression and palpitations (the Yin Wei Channel ascends to the chest and therefore has a special affinity for the Heart).

The Japanese acupuncture practice of using this point to clear ‘fetal toxins’ in the third, fourth and fifth months of pregnancy, so as to promote healthy pregnancy, has spread among TCM acupuncturists in America.

Building up supply of milk for mother. In older people – twitching and weakness of the legs, occurring mostly at night. (Wors.)



K.10   VIP

Yin Gu            Yin Valley                   Yin’s Valley

Yin Valley refers to the location in a depression on a yin aspect of the leg as well as its influence on the Yin structures below the umbilicus. (I&F)/(GTW)

He Sea point                        Water Point  (Horary point)        


K.10 Clears Damp and Damp Heat from the Lower Jiao(He Sea point function) 

K.10 is especially indicated for Damp Heat affecting the Genito-urinary system with dysuria, urgency, urinary difficulty, dark urine, leucorrhea and genital itching and pain, scrotal itching.

K.10 also treats Damp-Heat impotence, diarrhea, uterine bleeding and infertility

K.10 is also indicated for Shan disorder with lower abdominal pain radiating to the genitals and inner thigh, periumbilical pain, abdominal distention etc.

Five element acupuncturists use K.10 to tonify the Kidney Yin. This use of K.10 has spread to many TCM acupuncturists, though classically it is not particularly indicated for this, being indicated more for resolving excess presentations rather than nourishing deficiency.

K-11 Heng Gu          Pubic Bone


K-12 Da He               Great Manifestation


K. 13               K.11 – K.16 are Meeting points of the Kidney Channel and the Chong Penetrating Vessel

Qi Xue            Qi Cave          Qi’s Hole       Qi’s orifice

Also known as ‘Zi Men’  – ‘Child Gate’.

Qi Hole refers to the location next to where the Kidney rules Qi absorpointion.  Alternate names for this point are Infant’s Door for the right side and Uterine Gate for the left.  (GTW)



K.13, being adjacent to CV.4 ‘Guan Yuan’ – ‘Vital Pivot’, is more commonly used than K.11, k.12, K.14 or K.15.

K.13 treats Running Piglet Qi -a sensation of Qi rushing up the chest like effervescent bubbles or insects or ‘small feet’. It is a form of Rebellious Ni Qi caused by either Kidney Yin deficiency with Yang uprising or Damp Heat overflowing or Kidney Yang deficiency causing Yin Cold to sink down and Yang Heat to float upwards. This sensation is sometimes seen today associated with ‘kundalini syndrome’. (Running Piglet Qi is a Chong Penetrating Vessel sympointom).

K.13 Tonifies Kidney Qi and Essence (because it is level with C.V. 4, a kidney Channel point and also a point on the Chong Penetrating Vessel).

K.13 Helps resolve abdominal masses.  (This is also a Chong Penetrating Vessel sympointom).

K.13 both can both tonify and sedate. K.13 powerfully tonifies the Kidney Jing-Essence as it is on the same level as CV.4 and as it is a point of the Chong Penetrating Vessel which circulates the Kidney Jing-Essence. K.13 sedates excess presentations characterized by abdominal masses and fullness, as the Chong Penetrating Vessel is responsible for circulating the Qi and Blood and removing obstructions in the chest and abdomen. (GM)

K-14 Si Man              Fourfold Fullness


K-15 Zhong Zhu       Central Flow


K.16   IP         Meeting points of the Kidney Channel and the Chong Penetrating Vessel

Huang Shu   Vitals Shu                  Vitals Shu Point                   Vital’s Hollow

Vitals Shu refers to it’s effectiveness in treating disorders of the huang area.  It also refers to the Kidney channel which continues on to the Huang Area from here.  (GTW)



The name Huang Shu -‘Vitals Shu’ relates to the Gao Huang- the space between the Heart and the Diaphragm that is felt to be vital to health, which lies between the upper and middle Jiao.  K.16, at the level of the umbilicus is at the junction of the Lower and Middle Jiao.

K.16 is indicated to calm the Shen-Spirit  (points around the navel are often indicated to calm the Shen-Spirit, an example of treating the upper from the lower. The navel is the area where the pre-birth Qi is collected, and thus it can regulate the area where the post- Birth Qi collects, around CV.17)

K.16, at the level of the umbilicus is at the junction of the Lower and Middle Jiao and thus especially treats intestinal complaints with concomitant Kidney deficiency e.g. dry constipation and dry stools, also diarrhea, borborygmus, painful urinary dysfunction, cold and pain in the epigastrium and abdomen and cold Shan disorder.

 K-17 Shang Qu         Shang Bend


K-18 Shi Guan         Stone pass


K-19 Yin Du              Yin Metropolis


K-20 Tong Gu           Open Valley


K-21 You Men           Dark Gate


K-22 Bu Lang           Corridor Walk


K.23, 24, 25              IP        Shen-Spirit related points.


K.23 – Shen Feng    Spirit Seal                 Spirit’s Seal              Mind Seal

Spirit Seal refers to the location in the region of the heart.  The heart Yin directly and the heart spirit indirectly, rely on Kidney water for nourishment.  This connection between the organs accounts for the word “Spirit” in the names of several kidney points.  Seal refers to the kidney water sealing in the yang nature of the spirit.  Feng may also mean border which is then a reference to the location on the edge of the cardiac region.


K.24 – Ling Xu           Spirit Ruin                 Spirit’s Ruins                       Spirit Burial Ground

Spirit Ruin is the region where the spirit resides and reminds us of the location near the heart.  (GTW)


K.25 –

Shen Cang               Spirit Storage           Spirit’s Storage        Mind Storage

Spirit Storehouse refers to the location of this point near the heart. (GTW)




K.23, 24, and 25 treat Kidney and Heart not in communication (Kidney and Heart Yin deficiency) causing fear and emotion based asthma, palpitations, anxiety and restlessness.

K.23, 24, and 25 also treat Kidney not grasping the Qi causing asthma.

K. 23 has more indications for treating breast disorders.

K.25 has more indications for treating coughing, asthma and wheezing.

K.23, 24, and 25 are all indicated for vomiting and fullness in the chest with no desire to eat, suggesting that they lower rebellious Stomach Qi.


K. 26


K. 27  

Conveying Palace   Transport Mansion

Conveying Palace indicates this point’s important role in gathering, governing and distributing Qi.  ((I&F)) 

Shu Mansion refers to the location of this point on the end of the channel where Qi is transported and gathers. An alternate name is Transport Mansion which reflects the transportation of Kidney Qi to the throat thru this point.  (GTW)

Confluent point of the Back Shu points          

K.27 treats asthma from Kidney deficiency- chronic asthma.

K.27 subdues Ascending Qi causing cough, wheezing and dyspnea.

K.27 is indicated for Stomach rebellious Qi causing nausea, vomiting and inability to eat or drink.

K.27 is also indicated for steaming bone disorder and the reckless movement of Hot Blood in Women.

K.27 is an important point for asthma from Kidney deficiency. By stimulating the ‘Kidney grasping the Qi’ function this point subdues rebellious Qi and therefore stops cough and allays asthma (GM)

Treats most chronic asthma (Dr. So)

This point is associated with adrenal functioning in EAV

This point is associated with left /right brain imbalance, eye tracking problems, dyslexia etc in Applied Kinesiology.

This point is also used for neck tension (Japanese acupuncture)


Kidney channel

  • – connection with Yin Qiao and then the Kidney Yin
  • – fear and the Kidneys, lack of support, not feeling backed up, worrying about money, not  enough support
  • – The Kidneys as Force – Will and strength
  • – Will, courage physical skill and agility
  • – Stamina and the storage of Jing and Qi, – the Turtle
  • – The Charioteer
  • – Skill and ability – mastery – the Kidneys grasping the Qi, grounding inspiration, grounding the Zong ancestor influences
  • – The Ondines
  • – Meditative calm and stillness, inwardness – feeding the bones.
  • – The Kidneys and humility, civility, kindness.
  • – The Kidneys and crystallization, (Metal) liquefaction (Water) and vaporization (Wind), the transmutation of Jing into Qi into Shen via the triple burner
  • – The Kidney channel and the Pericardium / thymus radiating Shen
  • – Receptivity and listening
  • – Sexuality, the sexual urge
  • – Memory and the brain
  • – The connection to the Large Intestine and triple burner channels
  • – Animal: Rabbit
  • – Branch: Mao                   two leaves of a door, a mortise
  • – Time: 5 PM to 7 PM
  • – Eighth Station of the Cross: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
  • – Tree of Life  – second branch on the left

Mao – Kid.        The plenitude of his piety.

On the fourth branch, the plenitude of his most abundant piety

  • – Only to the degree that a practitioner actually wants to be free more than anything else will they be able to liberate the Water element in a patient. – Lonny Garrett
  • – Wang Feng Yi
    • —– Original Essence Yuan Jing  元 精
    • —– Wisdom                                    Zhi
    • —– Soft and Harmonious        Rou He 柔 和
    • —– Awareness                      Lin
    • —– Disdain Fan

Kidney Channel Clearing Questions

  • – What is your relationship to your Mother? What is your relationship to Mother Earth?
  • – How is your inner Woman?
  • – How is your inner Man?
  • – Where do you apply too much strength? – where not enough?
  • – What character(s) are you in the drama of Life?
  • – What inspires you? How much do you let yourself explore that which inspires you?
  • – How often are you present? How much do you cultivate a listening to silence?
  • – If you knew you were going to die in one month, what would be present for you?

The deep mystery, the deep knowing within the unknown, connection to the source